
It’s PSL Season: Pumpkin Spa Luxury

Our Pumpkin Spa Luxury treatments will elevate your skincare routine with the natural goodness of pumpkin. Packed with essential vitamins like A, C, and zinc, pumpkin is your secret to restoring a youthful, radiant complexion. Its unique properties not only soothe sensitive skin but also enhance the absorption of other nourishing ingredients, intensifying their results. Let pumpkin, combined with organic sugar and organic sunflower seed oil, rejuvenate your skin and counter the effects of sun exposure, revealing a softer, glowing you.

Pumpkin Facial + Pumpkin Soufflé Massage | $209 (reg. $230)

PSL Body Scrub + Pumpkin Soufflé Massage | $194 (reg. $210)

PSL Back Polish + Pumpkin Soufflé Massage | $105 (reg. $123)

Call or text us to book your PSL treatment: